
How to get the most out of your Enphase Energy System


Tuesday, May 7, 2024


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Know the basics about your Enphase Energy System? The next step is energy management.

Join us online to learn how to get the most bill savings from your Enphase system using the Enphase App.

Topics covered

  • Get your Enphase App out and follow a live, in-depth walkthrough.
  • What is maximising self-consumption, and how can it save you money?
  • Energy management tips to maximise the benefit of your system.

Mr Duncan Macgregor

Duncan is a CEC accredited solar designer and has been an active member and installer the renewable energy industry for over 20 years. Beyond his Enphase expertise, Duncan’s field experience spans both large and small scale solar and storage, on and off the grid throughout Asia, the South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand.